Paella Bbq Grill

Die Klassiker vom Grill sind bekannt: Würstchen, Steaks und Spieße jeglicher Art. Doch mit dem Grill ist weitaus mehr möglich. Mithilfe bestimmter Einsätze können Sie sogar die Paella auf dem Grill zubereiten. Wie es geht und was Sie dafür benötigen, zeigen wir Ihnen im Folgenden.

Wer an Spanien denkt, der denkt an die Paella. Das „Nationalgericht“ der Provinz Valencia ist typisch für die spanische Küche und zeichnet sich vor allem durch die große Metallpfanne aus, in der das Gericht zubereitet wird. Die in ganz Spanien beliebte Speise ist über die Landesgrenzen hinaus bekannt und kennt viele Formen der Zubereitung.


In der Regel wird die Paella mit Meeresfrüchten zubereitet, weshalb wir Ihnen auch ein Rezept mit Garnelen und Miesmuscheln vorstellen. Sie benötigen für sechs bis acht Personen die folgenden Zutaten:

Hähnchen Paella Rezept

Wenn Sie alle Zutaten beisammen haben, geht es an die Zubereitung der Paella. Wir zeigen Ihnen Schritt für Schritt, wie es geht:

Damit Ihnen die Paella richtig gelingen kann, sollten Sie sich für Modelle mit dem passenden BBQ-System-Pfanneneinsatz oder Wokeinsatz entscheiden. Eine gute Wahl stellt zum Beispiel eines der „Weber Spirit Grills“ dar. Alternativ können Sie auch auf einen Grill von einem anderen BBQ-Grill-Shop setzen.

Es ist äußerst wichtig, dass Sie hier auf einen Grill achten, der über die geeigneten Einsätze verfügt, damit das spanische Gericht sein volles Aroma entfalten kann.

Versatile Wood Fire Grill For Paella 27 Inches

Wie Sie sehen, ist mit einem Grill weitaus mehr möglich, als nur das gewöhnliche und altbekannte Grillen. Probieren Sie es aus und überzeugen Sie sich von der klassischen Paella vom Grill.

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Bbq Toro Traditionelle Paella Pfanne Für 6 Personen

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Step 2: Set up your grill for direct grilling and build a 3-zone fire. In the best of all possible worlds, you’d build and work over a campfire. Alternatively, you’d work on a large charcoal grill (like a Weber Ranch) or gas grill. If working on a charcoal grill, toss a log or some wood chunks on the fire to generate smoke. If working on a gas grill, place the wood chips in the smoker box or in a smoker pouch.

Paella World Portable Set Klein Mit Brenner, Paella Pfanne, Grillplatte Und Deckel Ø 30/38 Cm

Step 3: Place the paella pan over the hottest part of your fire. Add the olive oil and a piece of onion and heat until the onion sizzles boisterously in the oil. Add the remaining onion, the bell pepper, and chorizo and cook over high heat, stirring with a long-handled implement, like a grill hoe, until the onions begin to brown, about 4 minutes. Add the garlic, parsley, and tomato halfway through (after 2 minutes). If the mixture starts to burn, slide the pan to a cooler part of the grill.

Step 4: Stir in the rice and sauté until the grains look shiny, 1 minute. Stir in the soaked saffron and wine and boil for 1 minute. Stir in 4 cups stock and adjust the heat (by moving the paella pan closer or further away from hot part of the fire) to obtain a gentle simmer. Gently simmer the rice until soft, about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the 5th cup of stock if needed, and add salt and pepper to taste. While you’re at it, season the chicken pieces, shrimp, and squid with salt and pepper.


Step 5: Meanwhile, on another part of the fire (if working on a campfire, position your Tuscan grill over the embers), grill the chicken pieces, starting skin side down. This will take 6 to 8 minutes per side, working over a medium-high heat. Once the chicken pieces are crusty, brown, and cooked through, add them to the paella. After about 12 minutes, place the clams and mussels on the grate and grill until the shells pop open. Transfer the bivalves to the paella with tongs, taking care not to spill the juices. Brush and oil the grate and place the shrimp and squid on the grate. Grill until firm and white, 1 to 2 minutes per side. Add the shrimp and squid to the paella. In the event you have been obsessive enough to skewer the peas, place on the grill and grill until lightly browned and cooked through, 1 to 2 minutes per side. Unskewer the peas over the paella.

Cadac Grillo Chef 40 Bbq/dome/paella/tapas Gasgrill, 50mbar

Step 6: Taste the paella for seasoning, adding salt and pepper as needed. If you’ve done this right and the stars are in alignment, the rice will be tender just as all the stock is absorbed and the proteins are cooked. You may need to add more stock or you may need to cook the rice a little longer to absorb any excess stock. Don’t worry—your paella will only improve in the process. Serve at once, with a crisp dry Spanish wine, like an Albarino or Txakoli. Get ready for the best paella on Planet Barbecue.

Notwendige Cookies sind für das reibungslose Funktionieren der Website unerlässlich. Diese Kategorie umfasst nur Cookies, die grundlegende Funktionalitäten und Sicherheitsmerkmale der Website gewährleisten. Diese Cookies speichern keine personenbezogenen Daten.

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Step 2: Set up your grill for direct grilling and build a 3-zone fire. In the best of all possible worlds, you’d build and work over a campfire. Alternatively, you’d work on a large charcoal grill (like a Weber Ranch) or gas grill. If working on a charcoal grill, toss a log or some wood chunks on the fire to generate smoke. If working on a gas grill, place the wood chips in the smoker box or in a smoker pouch.

Paella World Portable Set Klein Mit Brenner, Paella Pfanne, Grillplatte Und Deckel Ø 30/38 Cm

Step 3: Place the paella pan over the hottest part of your fire. Add the olive oil and a piece of onion and heat until the onion sizzles boisterously in the oil. Add the remaining onion, the bell pepper, and chorizo and cook over high heat, stirring with a long-handled implement, like a grill hoe, until the onions begin to brown, about 4 minutes. Add the garlic, parsley, and tomato halfway through (after 2 minutes). If the mixture starts to burn, slide the pan to a cooler part of the grill.

Step 4: Stir in the rice and sauté until the grains look shiny, 1 minute. Stir in the soaked saffron and wine and boil for 1 minute. Stir in 4 cups stock and adjust the heat (by moving the paella pan closer or further away from hot part of the fire) to obtain a gentle simmer. Gently simmer the rice until soft, about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the 5th cup of stock if needed, and add salt and pepper to taste. While you’re at it, season the chicken pieces, shrimp, and squid with salt and pepper.


Step 5: Meanwhile, on another part of the fire (if working on a campfire, position your Tuscan grill over the embers), grill the chicken pieces, starting skin side down. This will take 6 to 8 minutes per side, working over a medium-high heat. Once the chicken pieces are crusty, brown, and cooked through, add them to the paella. After about 12 minutes, place the clams and mussels on the grate and grill until the shells pop open. Transfer the bivalves to the paella with tongs, taking care not to spill the juices. Brush and oil the grate and place the shrimp and squid on the grate. Grill until firm and white, 1 to 2 minutes per side. Add the shrimp and squid to the paella. In the event you have been obsessive enough to skewer the peas, place on the grill and grill until lightly browned and cooked through, 1 to 2 minutes per side. Unskewer the peas over the paella.

Cadac Grillo Chef 40 Bbq/dome/paella/tapas Gasgrill, 50mbar

Step 6: Taste the paella for seasoning, adding salt and pepper as needed. If you’ve done this right and the stars are in alignment, the rice will be tender just as all the stock is absorbed and the proteins are cooked. You may need to add more stock or you may need to cook the rice a little longer to absorb any excess stock. Don’t worry—your paella will only improve in the process. Serve at once, with a crisp dry Spanish wine, like an Albarino or Txakoli. Get ready for the best paella on Planet Barbecue.