Before we get into this paella de pollo y cochino let me explain where I’ve been these last 3 weeks (I did mention it in the previous post but I still have a bit left I need to get out of my system). So 3 weeks agoI wasgetting ready to move my site to a self hosted site. I think moving houseswould have been less work and less nerve wrecking. I was in panic mode for a week after accidentally deletingmy MySQL tables and lost the entire contents of my blog. When I tried to re-import the site from, not all the posts were coming through and after 48 hours of having a completely broken website I took matters into my own hands… and installed by hand. I had to do this in order to install the specific version (and older one) that seemed to actually work well and not screw up the import.
I think 48 hours is all it takes for search engines to give up on you if they don’t see you. My blog disappeared from the internets of the world. Dropped off every imaginable search engine index and remained in limbo until today. I had to resubmit sitemaps and force new crawls, repair broken links, and do a ton of maintenance. Today google is liking me a bit better now and I’m waiting for Bing and Yahoo to catch up. I think it will be a week until traffic is restored and things go back to the way they were. Have questions about how to mess up a blog in 10 seconds. I’m your guy. Paella de pollo y cochino is what this post is all about so I will spare you with anymore of this boring tech whatever and jump back into the cooking arena with a new recipe. New for this blog. One of the first things I learned how to cook many years ago.
So this paella, like any paella is very easy to make and requires very few ingredients. For the making of paella featuring chicken, pork, beef or similar meats, the approach is basically the same. I grew up eating it. My mom and my aunt still make it, and though they have their own style and approach, the end result is the same at heart. Beautiful dish. Anyways, for making paella I can break down the process is 4 components. They are all basic techniques and anybody at home with a decentpan, a good knife and a cutting board should be able to prepare this dish in around 2 hours. Here we go!
Receta De Paella Valenciana Tradicional
Pretty straight forward and basic cooking technique. I used extra virgin olive oil for this which is a bit counterintuitive. I would normally use a lighter oil with a higher smoke point better suited for searing. Olive oil can burn easily and once it burns it’s pretty much game over. Thing is lots of Spanish home cooking has been done using EVO and it give the final product a very nostalgic characteristic flavour that I wanted to retain. Justdon’tlet the pan get too crazy hot and keepand eye on it. Work in batches and never overcrowd that pan. You’ll end up steaming the meat instead. Using lighter olive oils is also recommended. It’s harder to burn them.
Which is nothing fancy really. Some aromatics, mainly onions, garlic and tomato. I use tomato paste. Feel free to use tomato sauce but keep in mind that the sofrito shouldn’t be soupy. It needs to be dark and well sautéed. I delay the addition of garlic to the very end. I can’t stand burning garlic. It’s game over.
Now that we have the sofrito and the browned meats. Combine it all together. Add a ton of water and let it simmer for an hour. I love how without adding any stock this dish packs a punch of flavour. Whenever I can avoid using store-bought stock, I do it. It’s like a challenge. I love it.
Meat Paella (per Portion)
Cooking rice can be tricky I won’t lie. I don’t rinse paella rice. I think it has the proper amount of surface starch as is. I also do it over the stove and not the oven. For pans that are less than 2 inches deepIthink the stove is perfectly fine. Maybe deeper pans would require the oven so that the bottom doesn’t overcook compared to the top or even burn. Some burning at the bottom is actually nice. That crust is so good it actually has its own name.Socarrat.
Also, today I’m gonna try a recipe card plugin. One of the beauties of running your blog on the install. These are exciting times here at that other cooking blog!!!!!! Printable and saveable recipes! Here we go.
One of my favourite thing to cook. I love the simplicity of making paella at home and this particular recipe is very inexpensive and packed with flavour and Spanishness!
Paella De Carne With Allioli
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Venezuelan self-trained cook and photographer living in the beautiful state of California. VFX professional by day (and night really, the movie industry doesn't stop). I hope you enjoy the contents of my blog. I'm very passionate about food in general and don't get me started with photography! Drop me a line if you have any questions.I replace the beef with chicken. Frozen shrimp is easy to add if you have some on hand. It’s worth buying a pan if you’re going to make paella more than a few times. I’ve used Matiz Valenciano paella rice and Dasca Arroz de Valencia. Both work fine and the Dasca brand is less expensive.
Preheat the oven to 500°F. Put the unpeeled garlic cloves in a small baking dish and roast for 10 to 15 minutes, or until the skin is browned.
Receta De Paella Mixta
In a small saucepan, bring the stock to a boil. Add the pimentón and a few of the saffron threads and lower the heat to a simmer.
When the garlic is done, remove from the oven, leaving the oven on. Once the garlic has cooled, peel it and put it through a garlic press. Mix the pressed garlic with 1/2 cup of the stock and the rest of the powdered saffron. Set aside.
In a large (about 15 inch) paella pan, heat the olive oil over medium high heat. Add the bell peppers. Cook, stirring often until tender, for about 10 minutes.
Chicken And Chorizo Paella Recipe
Season the beef and chicken with salt. Add the meats and chorizo to the pan until the meats are lightly browned but not cooked through, about 5 minutes.
Add the rice. Stir to mix with the rest of the ingredients, allowing the rice to absorb a little of the oil. Spread the mixture evenly. Pour the hot stock into the pan, increase the heat to high, and bring to a boil.
Add the garlic mixture, stir gently to mix through, and boil for 5 minutes without stirring. Decrease the heat to medium and cook another 5 minutes. Because the bottom of the pan is most likely wider than the reach of the burner’s heat, shift the pan from side to side to distribute the heat evenly. Do not stir. Taste the stock and season with salt if needed.
Paella: Das Spanische Nationalgericht
Transfer pan to the oven and cook for 7 minutes longer. The liquid will be absorbed and the rice will be tender. Remove from the oven, cover with a lid or kitchen towel and rest for 7 minutes before serving.
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